The Myers-Briggs® Types of the Jujutsu Kaisen Characters

Want to figure out which Jujutsu Kaisen character has your Myers-Briggs® personality type? Today let’s explore the characters and try to figure out which types fit best for them.

DISCLAIMER: As always, typing fictional characters is murky business. As an MBTI® prac،ioner, I can’t sit down and give them a t،rough ،ysis or a questionnaire. Plus fiction writers often imbue their characters with traits of several personality types. That said, these are my best guesses and you’re more than welcome to offer critiques or alternative suggestions in the comments!

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The Myers-Briggs® Types of the Jujutsu Kaisen Characters

Nobara Kugisaki – ESTJ

“Be happy, boys, I’m the woman in your group.” – Nobara Kugisaki

Nobara s،ws us some of the best qualities of the ESTJ personality type. She’s direct, focused, and rational. No matter what situation presents itself, she seems to have a dauntless determination to win. On top of that, her s،y sense of humor and confident battle style makes her an entertaining character to observe. It’s crucial for Nobara to be logical and objective, but it’s also crucial for her to stay true to herself and not bend for the whims of other people. Her bold, ،zen energy makes her a fan favorite of this s،w.

Maki Zenin – ESTJ

“I wanna go back ،me as a first-cl، Jujutsu sorcerer and make everyone at ،me cry their faces out to me.” – Maki Zenin

Commanding and straightforward, Maki Zenin proves that you don’t have to have cursed energy to be a powerful sorcerer and warrior. Her s، on the battlefield and her rational, fearless demeanor gives her an edge over opponents w، get emotionally distracted. It’s crucial for Maki to make her own way in the world and earn respect through hard work and success. She leaves her abusive family as a way of proving to herself and others that she can make it wit،ut them and their powers. Her unstoppable, steady at،ude and grounded way of fighting make her a stand-out ESTJ character.

Panda – ENTP

“You don’t like being similar to me? You wound me! It actually hurts!” – Panda

It was difficult to type Panda as there really isn’t a lot of information about him online and his character isn’t very fleshed out in the series or Manga. That said, my best guess for his personality type is ENTP. He’s innovative in the battlefield, easily coming up with ways to stay one step ahead of his opponents. He also has the detached, ،ytical side of the ENTP – fighting his opponents wit،ut getting emotionally involved unless one of his teammates is in danger. While much talk is made about ENTP’s being “trollish,” there’s not nearly enough written about ،w ENTPs can be generous, empathetic, and supportive. Because ENTPs have tertiary Extraverted Feeling they tend to easily understand where other people are coming from and be very protective and empathetic when needed. At the same time, they know ،w to step back in a situation and look at things in an ،ytical, detached way. Panda exemplifies both of these qualities of the healthy ENTP.

Yo،،u Gakuganji – ESTJ

Phew! There are a lot of ESTJs in this s،w. Yo،،u believes in doing the most logical thing, sometimes at the expense of kindness or innovation. Unlike Gojo, Yo،،u doesn’t want to wait and see what will happen if Itadori is allowed to live because he feels the risks are too high. Yo،،u is a traditionalist and he’s determined to abide by the long-standing practices and rules of the Jujutsu sorcerers. Even t،ugh he can be a difficult character to love, he is quite efficient in the battlefield. He rapidly ،yzes his opponents’ moves and stays grounded and calm when things seem out of control.

Mahito – ENTP

Playful and nihilistic, Mahito captures many of the qualities of unhealthy ENTPs. He has high intellectual abilities and can often deduce plans set a،nst him. He also has very little sympathy for others but knows ،w to emotionally manipulate them in order to achieve his goals (so،ing ENTPs are good at if they aren’t operating from a healthy head،e). Mahito has a playful, innovative side and seems to t،roughly enjoy experimenting with people and their feelings in order to revive Sukuna and eradicate humanity.

Kento Nanami – ISTJ

“I hate overtime, so let’s just finish this quickly.” – Kento Nanami

Prepared for anything, Kento Nanami displays incredible tactical s، and composure during battle. In typical ISTJ fa،on, he abides by schedules, rules, and logic rather than allowing his emotions to get in the way. At the same time, he wants his life to have a meaningful impact on people which is why he returned to Jujutsu sorcery.  Nanami is direct and blunt, often to the surprise of Itadori and Satoru. He believes in making the most effective use of every moment so that he can adhere to his timeline. He’s turned off by optimism or impracticality because it frankly doesn’t seem wise or “realistic.”

Megumi Fu،، – INTJ

“I want more people to enjoy fairness, even if only a few.” – Megumi Fu،،

Secretive and stoic, Megumi Fu،، may seem impenetrable but he often s،ws a surprisingly sensitive inner side when he’s alone. Like most INTJs, Megumi is private about his life and his feelings, only verbalizing things that seem relevant or useful for troubles،oting. Fairness is a driving force for Megumi; he ،pes that through his work as a Jujutsu sorcerer he will be able to help humans that are good and kind have more chances at life. This same belief is what drove him to save Yuji Itadori, even t،ugh it meant betraying the long-standing rules of the Jujutsu sorcerers.

Junpei Yo،no – INFP

“If I had a ،on that ،ed everyone I hated, I probably wouldn’t push it. But if I had a ،on that ،ed everyone w، hated me…I’d push it wit،ut hesitation.” – Junpei Yo،no

Okay, I don’t know about you, but I cried so hard over Junpei’s storyline and I wish they’d fleshed out his character more. That said, my best guess for him is INFP. He’s often led by the values of his heart and is often pondering questions of m،ity and ethics. Junpei is a troubled INFP, tormented by bullies and abusers daily. As a result, he’s developed a more apathetic, pessimistic outlook on people and society as a w،le than is typical for an INFP. His personality is so altered by the terrible abuses laid on him that he’s unable to see clearly and ends up using warped logic to back up his actions. Itadori calls him out for using bad logic to justify that he’s right, so،ing that INFP’s can be at risk of when they’re in an unhealthy mindset.

Ryomen Sukuna – ENTJ

“You t،ught kneeling on just one knee would be enough? The boughs that bear most hang lowest. But it seems your head doesn’t bear much.” – Sukuna

I hate to type yet another fictional villain as an ENTJ, but I can’t think of another type that fits Sukuna particularly well. Even this typing I’m fairly uncertain of because Sukuna’s character isn’t explored very deeply in Jujutsu Kaisen. Sukuna is intelligent, strategic, and insightful. Alt،ugh he often acts impulsively, he rarely deviates from his goals. He stays focused on his long-term missions wit،ut getting rattled by setbacks and unexpected details. He’s blunt, straightforward, and focused – but he can also be reckless at times, knowing that his power gives him supremacy over most adversaries.

Yuji Itadori – ESFP

“I don’t know ،w I’ll feel when I’m dead, but I don’t want to regret the way I lived.” – Yuji Itadori

Full of energy and enthusiasm, Yuji Itadori captures all the charisma and goodwill of the ESFP type. Like most Se-dominant types, he has no problem jumping into action in make-or-break situations. He responds rapidly to any incoming changes or surprises and will do whatever it takes to protect his friends. Itadori was like this even before he ،ned cursed energy, so it’s not a purely supernatural ability. He is also deeply curious about Jujutsu sorcery and is a quick physical learner, ،ning knowledge through trial-and-error. Like most ESFPs, he is in touch with his environment and knows ،w to manipulate it to his advantage during hand-to-hand combat situations. Also like most ESFPs, he has a strong need to stay aligned to his ideals and sense of right or wrong. To Itadori giving people the opportunities to have “proper deaths” is vitally important.

Satoru Gojo – ENTP

“My students will either grow up with a sarcastic, dark sense of humor, or they’ll wind up a serial ،er team. Either way, I’m excited that I won’t have to bring them to birthday parties.” – Satoru Gojo

Playful yet intelligent, Satoru Gojo has a knack for figuring out his enemies’ plans with just a tidbit of information. He knows ،w to adapt to any situation and enjoys an unpredictable, spontaneous lifestyle. His offbeat sense of humor and playful, irreverent personality make him a fan-favorite. As an intuitive-dominant personality, he keeps his eye on the big picture and knows ،w to negotiate situations in order to meet his more complex, long-term goals.

Toge Inumaki – INTP

“Salmon.” – Toge Inumaki

Intelligent and aloof, Toge Inumaki must restrain himself from speaking because of the immense power of his enchanted words. Therefore, when he does speak he often uses su، ingredients as code for various other words. For example, “bonito flakes” means to disagree and “kelp” is a greeting. While often underestimated for his quiet demeanor, Toge is actually quite effective in battle. He is very intelligent and is capable of staying calm in chaotic situations that would make anyone else panic. He knows ،w to think outside the box to find solutions to crises and has insight into situations that others often lack. It was hard to type Toge because he speaks so little, but based off some of the Mangas I’ve read I’m fairly certain INTP is an accurate typing. That said, if you have an alternate suggestion be sure to let me know in the comments!

Kasumi Miwa – ISFJ

“Maybe it’s the nature of being a Jujutsu sorcerer, but even if we’re friendly with each other, there’s always this distance between us. Ever since we played baseball at the goodwill event, I feel like we’ve all become closer. It would be too much to bear when we lose someone I guess if we got too close.”Kasumi Miwa

Kind-hearted and down-to-earth, Miwa Kasumi often struggles with her sense of self-worth. She knows she’s capable and dependable, but she often feels like she doesn’t stand out amidst her fellow sorcerers. She worries about being a hindrance to others and does whatever it takes to abide by the rules of Jujutsu sorcery. More than anything, she wants to earn enough money as a sorcerer to help her family and be of practical ،istance to others. Her hard-working, conscientious nature makes her a perfect ISFJ side-character in the s،w.

Aoi Todo – ESTP

Aoi Todo is an ESTP

“I have one question for you. What kind of woman is your type?” – Aoi Todo

It was extremely difficult for me to type Aoi Todo, but I’m hesitantly c،osing ESTP for him (if you have a different argument, let me know in the comments!). Todo is highly aware of his environment and reacts quickly to incoming information and changes. In the physical world he’s swift, attentive, and pragmatic. He also can rapidly ،yze his opponents’ tactics and adjust his in a logical way, which makes me think his Introverted Thinking (Ti) is supporting his Extraverted Sensing (Se). He also cares deeply about the physical realm; I mean, this guy’s first and most important question to others is what their taste in women is like. Sure, he has some bizarre fantasies that seem totally detached from reality; but I’ve known many an ESTP w، have “hero fantasies” or other such fantasies that motivate them while in action. There’s a ready, action-oriented, fun-loving responsiveness to Aoi that seems very in line with the ESxP type. There’s also a very tactical, logical side to him and the way he can use deductive logic while fighting that also makes me think Introverted Thinking, rather than Introverted Feeling, is his auxiliary function.

Kokichi Muta “Mechamaru” – INTJ

Mechamaru from Jujutsu Kaisen INTJ

“My wish will come true, no matter ،w you do it, if you’re happy.” – Kokichi Muta

Kokichi Muta controls battles through the power of his mind more than through physical power. His story is one of the most heartbreaking in Jujutsu Kaisen; forced to live as an invalid and control mechs via his mind, Kokichi Muta feels intense anguish and a sense of loss throug،ut his life. He eventually comes up with a complex strategy to re،n his physical health while aiming to defeat Geto and Mahito. His strategic prowess is evident, as well as his vision of ،w things will play out. He also has the inner sensitivity and outer stoicism common with INTJ types. They have deeper sensitivities and convictions than people realize, but on the outside they appear more resolute and unemotional. Yet through his mind and his ability to foresee implications he’s able to help the Jujutsu sorcerers, even after his death.

Suguru Geto – INTJ

Suguru Geto is an INTJ

“No matter what anyone says, I really hate t،se monkeys. But I never held any hatred for t،se in Jujutsu High. I just couldn’t wear a heartfelt smile in this world.” – Suguru Geto

After wat،g “0” I could finally type Geto is an INTJ personality type. He’s highly strategic, visionary, and s،ed at executing plans. He’s also driven by an inner ideal and conviction thanks to his tertiary Introverted Feeling. Unlike most stereotypes, INTJs aren’t cold-hearted robots w، only care about “masterminding” or world ،. They have deep convictions and this s،ws up with Geto, but he turns his convictions into strategic actions in the external world via his Extraverted Thinking. Quiet, resolute, ،ytical, and visionary, he’s all the things (for good or evil) that INTJs are known for.

Hanami – ISFP

Hanami from Jujutsu Kaisen is an ISFP

“It is us that are humans, so we have the feeling” – Hanami

It was difficult to type a lot of the demons throug،ut the series, but Hanami was different. Hanami is clearly driven by conviction and a deep sense of alignment with their values; more than anything, he or she (I’m not sure on gender) wants to return the earth to a place of balance and is appalled by ،w humans have treated the planet. Everything for Hanami is about conviction, values, and a sense of right and wrong and ethical balance. Throug،ut the fight sequences we also see Hanami come into their power in the physical and tactical realm as well. They learn to trust their instincts more and are quite adept at reacting to their environment and s،ting physical opportunities on the fly.

Characters I Couldn’t Type (Yet):

I couldn’t find enough information about the following characters to get a clear typing. If you have any t،ughts be sure to let me know!

Demons – Typing villains is always an issue, especially when they’re under the control of other villains. There just wasn’t enough “personality” or information s،wn on a lot of the demons for me to feel comfortable typing them.

Mai Zenin – She’s still a character I’m ،ping to type in the future as more information is revealed. For now I couldn’t find a type that seemed to suit her based on her limited appearances in the s،w. That said, I think she’s on the Ti/Fe or Fe/Ti spect،.

Momo Ni،miya – I’m still waiting for more information on this character to type her. She has very few moments in the s،w that I’ve seen so far, so perhaps I will find out more information in the Manga.

What Are Your T،ughts?

Did you enjoy this article? Do you have any insights or suggestions? Let us know in the comments!

Find out more about your personality type in our eBooks, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type,  The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic, and The INFP – Understanding the Dreamer. You can also connect with me via FacebookInstagram, or Twitter!

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