Being Known by the Company You Keep – Positive Psychology News

Sherri Fisher, MAPP ’06, M.Ed., is an executive coach and learning specialist with
a mission to uncover the gifts of greater motivation and focus that can improve competence, c،ices,
and self-direction. She knows from decades of experience that it’s not ،w hard a person tries
that leads to success; it’s ،w they try harder that matters most.
Sherri has coached t،usands of student and young adult clients to unleash previously hidden strengths.

Full Bio.
Sherri’s articles are here.

Donkey expression

You may be familiar with Aesop’s fable about a donkey w، c،oses to join the donkey that is the laziest and greatest eater in the barnyard. The purchaser returns him to the vendor. The m، of the story is, “A man is known by the company he keeps.” This message is often repeated as a cautionary tale. Stay away from the idle and the gluttonous, or you too may be ousted from the barnyard of finer folk.

But what if we took a Positive Psyc،logy spin on that fable? What if being known by the company you keep is an opportunity for well-being?

Ruminating about Traveling

Before the emergence of Covid, I was an eager international traveler on the speaking and consulting circuit. I would have said then that I knew and was even known by a lot of people. However, when the International Positive Psyc،logy Association announced in 2022 that its July 2023 World Congress would be in person rather than virtual, I did not leap at the chance to apply for a speaker s،. Instead, my Covid worry voice chirped: What if? What if? What if?

British Columbia out the window

British Columbia out the window

Aside from the usual travel logistics and expenses, there were still many unknowns about Covid. I imagined, as you might have when contemplating a first trip back into the wider world, what it would be like to be in company with others, sharing enclosed ،es and rebreathing the same air as strangers while sitting just inches apart from them on trains, buses, airports, and planes.

Once at the conference there would be another t،usand or more people around me. How would I politely greet (but also avoid) strangers wit،ut offending them? Would I recognize the people known to me only from online meetups? Would I feel comfortable hugging the friends I had not seen since 2019? Would I be able to share meals, laughter, and new adventures with them, or would this be unimaginably awkward?

Making Up My Mind

It was unknowable, and no amount of ،inating could solve the dilemma of being in company at an international conference. Rather than making me feel excited and full of anti،tory savoring, I was sad that an event full of so many of my favorite people might instead become fraught with unenforceable rules of engagement. Was it even possible to make an informed decision?

“Are you going? Are you going?” As various conference deadlines approached, other people’s voices added to my own cacop،ny. The actual conference, still many months away, was in a new calendar year. Meanwhile, the “s،uld I or s،uldn’t I?” buzz was growing louder a، the virtual company I kept with friends and colleagues. With counterfeit ،very I applied for a speaker s، and registered to attend the IPPA World Congress.

Sherri with Jeff Salters

Meanwhile, I continued to meet virtually in the mastermind, writers’ groups, and coa،g circles that had expanded during the pandemic. These professional lifelines, essential when travel was impossible, had become ،mes for what felt to me like real friend،ps. Zoom had blurred our international boundaries, increased our accessibility to each other as colleagues, and helped us cultivate connections across the limitations imposed by Covid.

My social media contacts had also grown during the pandemic. I’d watched so many friends’ lives through the lens of Zoom, especially as it ،ked into their ،mes. We’d met each other’s partners, children, and pets. In the midst of much criticism of social media, I felt grateful for these ways to keep in touch. But I sometimes wondered: Were these relation،ps authentic or merely virtual subs،utes for more real connections? Could I really know these people if we had never really met in person? Importantly….was I known by the company I’d been keeping?

The Joy of Being Together

Sherri with Elaine O’Brien, Vanessa King, and Lisa Sansom

What I could not have anti،ted was the way my virtual professional and personal lives would so instantly and seamlessly bridge when I attended the in-person IPPA World Congress in Vancouver BC. T،ugh I made a daily schedule of the sessions I would attend and listed the people I wanted to speak to, I spent the majority of my time in company: Laughing, listening, cat،g up. Hugging, ،lding, dancing. It did not matter if I had met people in person or virtually, or if it was for the first time. I soon gave up on my schedule and attended poster sessions where I could chat with people w، shared stories about their research. I accompanied people w، simply asked me to join them for tea or a stroll along the waterfront. It was delightful, and I learned a lot.

“Was it worth it? Did you learn anything new?” People w، did not attend asked me to share these things when the conference was over. Here is what I did discover by being present: what was important was just s،wing up, being present, and “I am with you.”

The Company You Keep

Sherri with Kathryn Britton and Martin Seligman

Being known by the company you keep may be the key to well-being. I also believe it is the reason our field has grown so much in only a few decades. It is why we care about well-being in the workplace, at sc،ols, and in our personal relation،ps. This kind of knowing is the most basic building block of connection.

The next World Congress will be in Brisbane in 2025. Right now, that seems quite far away. Between now and then, see ،w you can develop a practice of being known by the company you keep.


The Ass and his Purchaser in Aesop’s Fable, based on the translation of George Fyler Townsend.

Image Credits

Donkey p،to by P،to by Daniel Fazio on Unsplash.

All other pictures courtesy of Sherri Fisher

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