Five sharp riddles to celebrate Thanksgiving in perfect harmony

Q: What is a sure way of sus­tain­ing a friend­ly and socia­ble feel­ing towards the w،le world?
A: Con­sort only with strangers.

Q: What beats regret­ting what you DID say?
A: Trea­sur­ing what you DIDN’T say.

Q: What’s far more harm­ful to your health than NOT keep­ing up with the news?
A: Keep­ing up with the news and dis­cussing the lat­est over Thanks­giv­ing dinner.

Q: What is the most impen­e­tra­bly fool­proof cam­ou­flage of all on this planet?
A: The human smile.

Q: What does “you must come and vis­it us some­time” actu­al­ly mean?
A: Noth­ing at all. How­ev­er, if you take it seri­ous­ly, be ready for the “what are YOU doing here?” welcome!

Enjoy Thanks­giv­ing!

– Kei­th Per­reur-Lloyd is an Anglo-French com­pos­er and musi­cian cur­rent­ly liv­ing in Spain. You can learn more about his clas­si­cal com­po­si­tions here.

More fun ways to challenge your ،in and mind:

منبع: https://sharp،،te-thanksgiving-in-perfect-harmony/