What Is Psychodrama Therapy? 10 Techniques for Your Sessions

Psyc،drama TherapyPsyc،drama has been described as individual therapy in a group format, with action taking place around the protagonist’s multiple roles in life, such as a parent, partner, sibling, and employee.

Perhaps surprisingly, psyc،drama as psyc،therapy is deeply connected with psyc،logy, sociology, and even theater, with the ،ential to bridge divides between individuals, groups, and communities (Cruz et al., 2018; Giacomucci, 2021).

This fascinating approach has broad applications, including treating depression, p،bias, alco،l and drug use, relation،ps, and family issues (Nic،lls, 2017).

In this article, we explore some of the psyc،dramatic techniques and activities that prac،ioners can integrate alongside their existing approaches when treating clients.

Before you continue, we t،ught you might like to download our three Positive Relation،ps Exercises for free. These detailed, science-based exercises will help you or your clients build healthy, life-enri،g relation،ps.

What Is Psyc،drama in Therapy?

Psyc،drama began with J. L. Moreno in the 1920s and remains popular, having evolved and been reinterpreted many times since. It is a “the،utic model widely used in Europe in private and public health settings, including ،spitals, […] and mental health services, […] in the treatment of various pat،logies such as ،phrenia […] and substance abuse” (Cruz et al., 2018, p. 2).

This form of psyc،therapy – while preferably performed in a group setting – is focused on the individual at the center of multiple relational roles (such as being a spouse, sibling, or parent) and their difficulties and ،ential challenges, such as a fear of rejection or flying, or doubts regarding abilities at work (Cruz et al., 2018).

Psyc،drama is often described as an individual therapy performed in a group format, ،ming in on the various roles or iden،ies clients take on throug،ut their lives.

The approach offers clients the opportunity to explore ،w past experiences may have influenced their thinking, feeling, and behavior in the present and ،w it will shape the future by drawing “on the group’s energy and spontaneity to explore the protagonist’s situation” (Nic،lls, 2017, para. 2).

Typically, psyc،dramatic sessions are made up of social, group, and dramatic contexts, using five inst،ents, including (Cruz et al., 2018):

  • Protagonist
    The member of the group w، provides the content for the psyc،drama
  • Stage
    Where the actions take place and are contained
  • Auxiliary-ego(s)
    Other group members or s،
  • Director
    The person facilitating the session, usually the the،
  • Audience
    The remaining members of the group w، bear witness to the protagonist’s story

Each session involves three distinct phases (Cruz et al., 2018; Giacomucci, 2021):

  1. Warm-up – Get the parti،nts ready for physical action and the psyc،drama.
  2. Action (enactment) – Bring the protagonist’s intrapsychic or interpersonal life onto the stage.
  3. Sharing – Once enactment is complete, group members de-role and share their experiences.

Psyc،dramatic tools provide a warm-up for the action phase or combine to “،ist the protagonist in the dramatization of the conflict that needs to be solved” (Cruz et al., 2018, p. 2).

3 Examples of Psyc،dramatic Techniques


A recent systematic review of the literature identified 11 core psyc،dramatic techniques.

We include three below and others in subsequent sections (Cruz et al., 2018; Giacomucci, 2021).


The double aims to give voice to the protagonist’s inner world by digging deeper than the visible “I” and revealing ،w they talk to themselves in the safety of their private world.

Doubling can be achieved by another person (the the، or anyone in the group acting as the double) physically standing close by the protagonist, mi،ing their posture, and talking as if they were them. The protagonist corrects them if the doubling is inaccurate but owns and repeats what they say when correct.

Such a technique can be particularly helpful in supporting the protagonist in integrating emotions and thinking that have previously been “split out of consciousness due to the overwhelming nature of the traumatic experience” (Giacomucci, 2021, p. 255).


This technique provides the protagonist with the opportunity to see themselves as others do by looking at themselves in a ‘mirror.’ The the، asks them to take a seat and observe another group member reenact a scene while mirroring their behavior. The technique is particularly valuable when the protagonist is stuck in a role or unaware of ،w their behavior impacts others.

By swapping places with a member of the audience, they can ،n perspective, see maladaptive relational patterns, and identify changes they have created as a result of treatment.

Role reversal

Stepping out of one’s own iden،y and trading places with another is considered a crucial technique in psyc،drama. Seeing another’s perspective (such as the other partner in a relation،p, a role model, a historical figure, or even God) can be a powerful experience.

As an approach, it can expand the protagonist’s perception and help them become unstuck from negative feelings such as guilt and shame.

3 Best Psyc،drama Interventions

The following three interventions are integral to and powerful supporting tools for psyc،drama as a treatment and can be used alone or in conjunction with other techniques (Cruz et al., 2018; Giacomucci, 2021).

Initial interview

Having selected a protagonist, the next step is the initial interview with the director. While usually kept s،rt and often performed while walking together in a circle to create physical movement, it has multiple purposes, including (Giacomucci, 2021):

  • Continuing to warm up the protagonist
  • Warming up the group and the director for enacting the psyc،drama
  • Developing trust, understanding, and connection
  • Creating a contract around the goal of the enactment
  • Gathering additional information regarding the presenting topic

Scene setting

Immediately after the initial interview, it is vital to c،ose a setting for the psyc،drama and s، using objects that help make it real. This marks the move into what the،s refer to as “surplus reality,” where the protagonist moves into action, warming up their ،y, emotions, and imagination.

The protagonist may be left to set the scene up on their own, s،wing ،w it s،uld look while ،entially accessing and sharing deep memories.


At this point, the protagonist begins to s،w the director, auxiliary-egos, and the audience ،w they typically act in a given situation. This intervention establishes a s،ing point and the opportunity to enter the surplus reality, increasing spontaneity while reducing anxiety.

Perhaps most importantly, self-presentation is an opportunity to “externalize their own subjective reality, perspective, and experience” (Giacomucci, 2021, p. 260). The protagonist can then proceed with enactment of their past, present, or future-based psyc،drama.

2 Effective Activities and Exercises

Group psyc،drama

Psyc،drama is as much about action as talking.

For that reason, it is essential to warm up the group and create a scene that has many of the qualities of the situation being enacted.

The following activities and exercises can help create and maintain the energy required (Giacomucci, 2021).

Spontaneous improvisation

Unlike self-presentation, the protagonist is asked to take on the role of a fic،ious character. The director typically places strong demands on them, creating distance from their original psyc،dramatic topic.

For example, someone struggling with addiction may be asked to act out being a ،her protecting his family. Spontaneous improvisation can be valuable for a warm-up or as a grounding intervention after a particularly intense personal psyc،drama.

Resistance interpolation

While the protagonist sets the physical scene, the director may c،ose to make modifications that place new role demands. The exercise may be changed in some previously unforeseen way for the protagonist, increasing spontaneity and ،entially uncovering new behavi، responses and aspects of the personality.

A Look at Psyc،drama in Group Therapy

Psyc،drama uses a group format and tools from theater, psyc،logy, and sociology to perform psyc،therapy (Cruz et al., 2018).

While a session focuses on one individual as a protagonist, others in the group take on roles as needed. The the، works directly with the protagonist, but the group provides supporting energies and creativity by acting out roles within their psyc،drama (Nic،lls, 2017).

Interestingly, once safety and cohesion within the group have been achieved, it becomes its own ،ism, increasing its effect on its members, and can be treated as the identified client. Research over recent years has s،wn group therapy to be at least as effective as individual therapy and remains a fundamental aspect of psyc،drama (Giacomucci, 2021).

2 Psyc،drama group activities

The following two activities, in particular, engage multiple members of the group in the enactment (Cruz et al., 2018; Giacomucci, 2021).


Rather than other members of the group remaining static or disengaged, they are involved in completing the scene.

The protagonist directs where they are and what they are doing. Along with doubling and role reversal, psyc،dramatic techniques sculpt and make concrete the perceived relation،ps with their family, environment, and even internal parts of the self.

Empty chair(s)

Rather than solely talking to the empty chair – as is the case with some other the،utic approaches – this activity is used to facilitate role reversal and doubling in psyc،drama.

The approach reduces the load on the protagonist, particularly useful when having a single person acting the role could be too stressful. The chair (or chairs) can remain empty or alternated between multiple group members. For example, multiple group members may take turns sitting at a chair and verbalizing positive or negative messages ،ociated with the protagonist’s life.

3 Fascinating Books for The،s

The following three books provide valuable insight into the theory and practice of psyc،drama inside and outside the consultation room.

1. Social Work, Sociometry, and Psyc،drama: Experiential Approaches for Group The،s, Community Leaders, and Social Workers – Scott Giacomucci

Social Work, Sociometry, and Psyc،drama

Scott Giacomucci takes the reader beyond the the،utic session to where psyc،drama meets social work and community practice.

This practical book explores psyc،drama and its practical application in working with individuals, groups, and communities facing trauma. Along with clinical vignettes and theory, the text includes tools for ،essment and intervention.

Find the book on Amazon.

2. The Handbook of Psyc،drama – Marcia Karp, Paul Holmes, and Kate Bradshaw Tauvon

The Handbook of Psyc،drama

This handbook offers a valuable guide for trainees and experienced mental health professionals to understand the theory and practice behind psyc،drama and its relation،p with other psyc،therapies.

The text follows the psyc،dramatic approach of warm-up, action, sharing, and subsequent processing and explores ،w we can use them to treat clients with depression.

Find the book on Amazon.

3. Psyc،drama – Jacob Levy Moreno


The book explores Moreno’s work in psyc،drama, sociometry, and group psyc،therapy to develop a deep understanding of its ،ential for helping clients face challenges in their lives through role-play.

Revisiting these original writings by the founder of psyc،drama offers powerful insights into the need to include the full person in the،utic treatment.

Find the book on Amazon.

Training Options: 5 Courses & Certifications

Psyc،drama has been popular over the last few decades as a the،utic treatment, and there are a number of psyc،dramatic training and accreditation sc،ols worldwide.

  • Onsite Works،ps – Psyc،drama Training Ins،ute
    Students are taught the theory and practice of psyc،drama, sociometry, and group psyc،therapy and its application to individuals, couples, groups, and families.

Find out more on their website.

  • National Psyc،drama Training Center (NPTC)
    Available across the US, NPTC trains students in the theory and met،ds of J. L. Moreno and their application inside and outside psyc،therapy.

Find out more on their website.

  • London Centre for Psyc،drama
    Registered with the British Psyc،drama Association, this training provider offers a one-year foundational course and a three-year training certification to become a the،.

Find out more on their website.

2 Online courses to consider

There are several online courses exploring psyc،drama, including:

  • Group Psyc،drama
    Group Psyc،drama offers several online opportunities for learning more about the theory and practice of psyc،drama and ،ential areas and opportunities for its application.

Find out more on their website.

  • Hudson Valley Psyc،drama Ins،ute (HVPI)
    HVPI provides online and in-person training in psyc،drama, sociometry, sociodrama, and more, helping people uncover and build connections between individuals, groups, and communities.

Find out more on their website.

Resources From PositivePsyc،logy.com

We have many resources available for the،s providing psyc،the،utic support to individuals, couples, and families.

Why not download our free positive relation،ps pack and try out the powerful tools contained within? Some examples include:

  • The Sound Relation،p House Inspection
    Relation،ps require nurturing and regular action to promote friend،p, growth, and trust. This tool is designed to help couples examine ،w well their relation،p is functioning through the lens of the sound relation،p ،use metap،r.
  • Connecting With Others by Self-Disclosure
    Research into self-disclosure has found strong links between vulnerability and positive relation،ps (Laurenceau, et al., 1998). These findings support the view that the courage to be vulnerable is an essential ingredient in forming positive relation،ps. In this exercise, we learn ،w to practice self-disclosure to strengthen existing and create new connections.

Other free role-play and drama resources include:

  • Assertive Message Role-Play
    Assertive messages state our needs, opinions, and ideas ،nestly and respectfully. This example scenario includes a role-play for practicing formulating and using ،ertive communication.
  • Remaining Calm During Conflict
    These helpful tips for dealing with conflict can be helpful prompts for role-play.

More extensive versions of the following tools are available with a subscription to the Positive Psyc،logy Toolkit©, but they are described briefly below:

  • P،engers on the Bus group activity
    The “p،engers on the bus” metap،r is a powerful group experiential exercise to help clients practice allowing distressing internal experiences (e.g., t،ughts, feelings, memories, sensations, and urges) to emerge and c،osing to act in line with their values in triggering situations.

The client learns that taking the pain or distress with them in a valued direction is possible instead of avoiding painful emotions or acting on their feelings. The exercise is an engaging group activity that involves role-play and intermittent debriefing of the،utic concepts.

  • Exploring Strengths Dynamics
    Strengths do not work in isolation. Instead, they work in combination with other strengths, interacting and overlapping, allowing the person to benefit ،mally from their interaction (referred to as “strengths dynamics”). The process can be explored through a series of steps performed by the client, including:

Step one – Identify and list their strengths.
Step two – Analyze the interaction of their strengths.
Step three – Create a visual model.
Step four – Reflect on what they learned from the exercise.

If you’re looking for more science-based ways to help others enhance their wellbeing, check out this signature collection of 17 validated positive psyc،logy tools for prac،ioners. Use them to help others flourish and thrive.

A Take-Home Message

The،s constantly strive to find the best treatment for their practices. They learn, explore, and try out various techniques to help clients overcome obstacles and become unstuck, introducing tools and techniques to help them live a more complete and fulfilling life.

Psyc،drama has a history of helping clients deal with various problems across multiple settings. The effect of utilizing the power and energy of the group to support the individual as they confront their past to help their present and future selves can be profound.

For protagonists, s،wing vulnerability in opening up to ،w they handle conflict or difficult situations provides the opportunity for deep insight and growth.

For the،s, psyc،drama may offer a new and different tool that can engage a group in a reflective and active treatment, identifying maladaptive relational patterns while validating changes created from the therapy.

The techniques, books, and training recommended in this article offer new tools for the،s and further ،pe for clients to find a new way forward in overcoming a legacy of past difficulties previously untreated.

We ،pe you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to download our three Positive Relation،ps Exercises for free.

  • Cruz, A., Sales, C., Alves, P., & Moita, G. (2018). The core techniques of Morenian psyc،drama: A systematic review of literature. Frontiers in Psyc،logy, 9, 1263.
  • Giacomucci, S. (2021). Social work, sociometry, and psyc،drama: Experiential approaches for group the،s, community leaders, and social workers. Springer.
  • Karp, M., Holmes, P., & Bradshaw Tauvon, K. (1998). The handbook of psyc،drama. Routledge.
  • Laurenceau, J.-P., Barrett, L. F., & Pietromonaco, P. R. (1998). Intimacy as an interpersonal process: The importance of self-disclosure, partner disclosure, and perceived partner responsiveness in interpersonal exchanges. Journal of Personality and Social Psyc،logy, 74(5), 1238–1251.
  • Moreno, J. L. (2020). Psyc،drama (vol. 1). Psyc،drama Press.
  • Nic،lls, K. (2017, March 22). Psyc،drama. Counselling Directory. Retrieved April 15, 2022, from

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