Workshop: Neurofeedback Intervention Development: Opportunities and Challenges

Date and Time

May 2, 2024
10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. ET


This works،p will convene researchers and federal officials to review the state of the science for neurofeedback (NF) intervention development for mental disorders, with an emphasis on real time fMRI approaches. The program will highlight recent developments in both early treatment development and later efficacy and effectiveness trials, as well as regulatory issues relevant to the approval and implementation of device-based interventions like NF. Panel presentations and discussion will aid in identifying new opportunities and challenges for NF development. The works،p is free and open to the scientific community and the public.

Sponsored by

National Ins،ute of Mental Health, Division of Translational Research (DTR).


This works،p is free, but registration is required. 


If you have questions about this works،p or need reasonable accommodations, please email Chris Saram،e. Requests need to be made five business days before the event.
